Observing and counting the birds that come into our backyards is one of the most enjoyable aspects of why we live where we live.

This time of year is particularly rich with our feathered friends, as hatchlings fledge, flowers burst forth and the foliage returns to provide an abundance of bird food.
One of the most successful citizen science projects is the annual backyard bird count run by Birdlife Australia. It doesn’t require a huge time commitment to register and then note down what you see in your patch.
This year it will run from 16-22 October and it provides valuable information about where certain species are and it hasn’t been unusual in the ranges zone for rare and endangered species to be spotted.
For more information and to register go to www.aussiebirdcount.org.au
Another gem from Birdlife Australia is a workshop to be held on Sunday 29 October at the Kinglake West Mechanics Institute Hall.
It will explain the ‘Yarra to Yea’ bird attracting project, some tips on how to get birds into your backyard and a bird spotting wander in the local zone.

Mountain Monthly October 2023 edition
Photos by Lorraine Casey